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Awesome Some Girls Go Swimming Real Girls Go Scuba Diving Shirt

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  I agree with you. I don’t think I quite wrote that in a way that conveyed my point, sorry about that. It’s so true that America is farther right than any current powerful democracy. It’s sad because it’s slowly slide in that direction until Trump brought it all to the surface In a really sinister way. At the moment you don't have a progressive party or a left leaning candidate. The only two non centrist, left leaning presidential candidates in recent US history were Al Gore and then recently Bernie Sanders if that helps to put things in perspective. Buy it:  Awesome Some Girls Go Swimming Real Girls Go Scuba Diving Shirt Home: Teeshirtcat

Happy Fuck You Karen You’Re A Bitch Funny Vintage Style Shirt

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  I agree with you. I don’t think I quite wrote that in a way that conveyed my point, sorry about that. It’s so true that America is farther right than any current powerful democracy. It’s sad because it’s slowly slide in that direction until Trump brought it all to the surface In a really sinister way. That's how far right the political spectrum in America is. AOC would be centrist in Canada. Most Democrats share policy ideas with Canadian Conservatives. Buy it:  Happy Fuck You Karen You’Re A Bitch Funny Vintage Style Shirt Home: Teeshirtcat

Nice Gobble Me Swallow Me, Drip Gravy, Down The Side Of Me Turkey Vintage Retro Shirt

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  No centrists are leaving the US because of far right politics. Progressives are leaving the US - not sure why anyone on the left here is considered conservative/centrist in any other majority progressive country. We are stuck in a framework in which our representatives are more centrist in comparison to Canada but the constituents who are fleeing the country are pretty much guaranteed to be progressive if not more progressive considering the current political climate. Buy it:  Nice Gobble Me Swallow Me, Drip Gravy, Down The Side Of Me Turkey Vintage Retro Shirt Home: Teeshirtcat

Funny I Voted By Mail With A Mask Quarantine Vote Shirt

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  Same with political refugees. If 2 million people flee to Canada for political asylum, that's 2 million fewer voters for the left in America, and 2 million more centrist/right voters in Canada. Which makes both countries more conservative. I agree with you. I don’t think I quite wrote that in a way that conveyed my point, sorry about that. It’s so true that America is farther right than any current powerful democracy. It’s sad because it’s slowly slide in that direction until Trump brought it all to the surface In a really sinister way. Buy it:  Funny I Voted By Mail With A Mask Quarantine Vote Shirt Home: Teeshirtcat

Original Likeable People Only Club No Karens No Richards 2020 Shirt

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  Same with political refugees. If 2 million people flee to Canada for political asylum, that's 2 million fewer voters for the left in America, and 2 million more centrist/right voters in Canada. Which makes both countries more conservative. And even Vermont makes Canada swing more to the right. Other than Burlington, that state is still right of Canadian centre. Which makes both countries more conservative.I dont want any of your left leaning states, because that just ensures that America swings even more to the right, which will fuck the whole earth. Buy it:  Original Likeable People Only Club No Karens No Richards 2020 Shirt Home: Teeshirtcat

Pretty Peace Love Toilet Paper Quarantine 2020 Shirt

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  His response to COVID alone puts our country in danger as well as his own. His brand of "telling it like it is" is creating and empowering factions of fascists within Canada. And he's terrible at cooperating on literally anything, and cooperation has always been the keystone for our countries.Who is fighting this civil war? The proud boys? Lol the second one of them gets their head blown off they're gonna realize they'd rather live a long comfortable life then get mowed down by the army. Buy it:  Pretty Peace Love Toilet Paper Quarantine 2020 Shirt Home: Teeshirtcat

Premium Swimming Gets Me Wet Vintage Retro Shirt

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  Only 40% of conservatives want him to win and conservatives only make up, generously, about 35 percent of canadians. Say 5% of liberals want him to win and that's in total still a fifth or so. Yea, I'm honestly more insulted to be reduced to this (by the article). Validating racism and climate denial, politicizing and botching the covid response, zero integrity, fascist tendencies, and the metric ton of bullshit he's spewed should offend literally everybody with half a brain. Buy it:  Premium Swimming Gets Me Wet Vintage Retro Shirt Home: Teeshirtcat

Top Wearing A Mask Meme Trollface Conspiracy Theory Shirt

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  Did you ever see the Video of Obama's corrospondence dinner where Trump was in the audience and Obama roasted him? At the time Trump was pushing the birther conspiracy, and Obama "released" his birth video which turned out to be the Lion King intro. Hahahaa! That egotistical fucker has been campaigning for more power for years and didn’t care who gave it to him as long they were willing to overlook his past statements and actions in numerous businesses and events, like the kids wrongfully convicted of raping a woman. New York tried to warn us to some degree. Buy it:  Top Wearing A Mask Meme Trollface Conspiracy Theory Shirt Home: Teeshirtcat

Good You Never Know What You Have Till It’s Gone Toilet Paper Shirt

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  Can you give concrete examples of these? The Alberta NDP was pushing for projects as much as any other Alberta government and Trudeau went further to build pipelines in some ways than Harper did (literally buying trans-mountain when private companies were about to bail). Albeit his new environmental policies did kill northern gateway. Oof. British Columbian here. My parents are life long conservative voters (Mulroney with the PC, Preston Manning with the Reform, Stockwell Day, Harper and Scheer), they go to the same Alliance Church as their local Conservative MP, and even they don't like Trump. Buy it:  Good You Never Know What You Have Till It’s Gone Toilet Paper Shirt Home: Teeshirtcat

Official Likeable People Only Club No Karens No Richards Shirt

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  A big thing for Albertans is the Oil and Gas industry. More specifically right now Alberta is trying to build pipelines. One big one going into the states (Keystone XL), and another pipeline to Canada’s west coast. Joe Biden has stated that he’ll cancel the US Keystone XL pipeline if elected, which upsets Albertans as they’ve had quite a few projects canceled by Alberta NDP and federal Liberals. So that’s one big reason why you’ll find a lot of Trump supporters in Alberta. Buy it:  Official Likeable People Only Club No Karens No Richards Shirt Home: Teeshirtcat

Top 2020 Sucked But Yay Christmas Gift 2020 Sucked But Yay Christmas T-Shirt

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  I think there are a good amount of ndp in alberta but they tend to be in certain circles only and keep it to themselves. My best friend actualy worked for the ndp during Notleys time. He has so many horror stories from door to dore stuff or more recently answering phones for the ndp. Its super shitty that people here are so hostile to the NDP they are not evil monsters its just a different political leaning. Yep. I agree buddy. Idk if you want an example check any right wing media group. I was just explaining the sentiment held by many here. Buy it:  Top 2020 Sucked But Yay Christmas Gift 2020 Sucked But Yay Christmas T-Shirt Home: Teeshirtcat

Perfect My Christmas Wish Is A Cure Lung Cancer Awareness Pine Ribbon Lung Cancer Awareness T-Shirt

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  No, you see it’s actually that we don’t have a pipeline that oil prices are down. And if we build a pipeline to China, who is bad and ruining the Canadian economy by manufacturing COVID, then oil prices will go up, and it’s Trudeau‘s fault is isn’t going in because he bought the pipeline that he won’t put in Although our NDP is actually pretty central, and not far left wing like the Federal NDP. Notley is very similar to Peter Lougheed, who was arguably our best premiere, and also a PC Buy it:  Perfect My Christmas Wish Is A Cure Lung Cancer Awareness Pine Ribbon Lung Cancer Awareness T-Shirt Home: Teeshirtcat

Good Christmas Teacher Life 2020 Reindeer Wearing Mask Shirt

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  Think of Albertans as deep red state full of corruption, but also oil, kinda like Texas, but with a recently crashing oil industry. It's certainly not for a lack of education, but the people there are reactionary and loath the rest of Canada, and strictly vote Conservative on a provincial and federal level. You can remind them that their Conservative party squandered the heritage fund which was once their crown jewel, you can show them that years of conservative rule has wrecked the province, but they don't care they're mad a liberals and will remain irrationally mad at all things librul. It's cultural. The rest of Canada has had enough of their shit. Buy it:  Good Christmas Teacher Life 2020 Reindeer Wearing Mask Shirt Home: Teeshirtcat

Hot 11.3.2020 The Day We Took Our Country Back Shirt

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  i mean.. the public got dumbed down for years and years with ratings on trash shows..and they liked it and the producers seen that and kept producing more trash show drama pumping ratings creating a viscous feedback loop I think that's truly a lack of education and critical thinking. They don't understand that essentially OPEC controls the price, government can only dampen the effects but cannot control it. Oh they did that with Obama too. The economy crashed right before the 2008 election, but it was somehow all Obama's fault starting January 2009. Buy it:  Hot 11.3.2020 The Day We Took Our Country Back Shirt Home: Teeshirtcat

Hot Teacher Life 2020 Turkey Wearing Mask Wrong Thanksgiving Shirt

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  Cns someone explain this phenomenon? Like sure I know other leaders but I surely don't celebrate and fanboi for them...why do they do it for Trump? I've had a few conversations of people on reddit who were pro Trump and not from here. Besides international relations, what does one have at stake to keep up, and admire, another countries politicians?I think a part of it is Canadian and American culture is so close but so far. We look south for all the exciting stuff, I know a lot of twenty something's like myself who don't know the first thing about our local gov but are really into American politics. Buy it:  Hot Teacher Life 2020 Turkey Wearing Mask Wrong Thanksgiving Shirt Home: Teeshirtcat

Awesome You Can Just Supercali Fuck Kilistic Kiss My Assa Docious Shirt

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  A Muslim man just beheaded an innocent French man? Oh no, let’s make sure we throw away everything we believe in and give in because they’ll do more. That’s not how this works. If the French gave into the killers, then more killings would happen as they’d know there’s no consequences. I’m no huge fan of western governments, but standing strong and trying to put fear into the terrorists is exactly the way to go. Symbolism means fuck all if all you're doing is risking lives of people who did not ask to be sacrificed. They could've stood their ground without resorting to antagonising those who were looking for a justification to be a terrorist. Buy it:  Awesome You Can Just Supercali Fuck Kilistic Kiss My Assa Docious Shirt Home: Teeshirtcat

Awesome I Bite Grabbers Feminist Trump Black Cat Shirt

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  Fuck the French Government. The perpetrators are of course to blame for the actual murders but why the fuck is Macron trying to start a fucking race war? Seriously, disrespecting the Muslim prophet like that is how you make people think all French people hate Muslims. It's how you embolden ISIS, not how you defeat it. It's not 'freedom of speech', it's religious intolerance. If French Muslims can't appreciate the symbolism behind the action, reinforcing what France has stood for for the last several centuries in the face of the utmost barbarism, then they should get the fuck out of the country. Buy it:  Awesome I Bite Grabbers Feminist Trump Black Cat Shirt Home: Teeshirtcat