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Plus, the main adjectives the viewers are using to describe the debate in rapid polling is some variant of “annoying”, “frustrating”, and “pointless”. I think that means the viewership of later debates will be low, if not abysmally low, which closes the gap the Trump has to make up ground even more. I usually don't comment on political subreddits but man that was just atrocious. Trump straight up refused to condemn white supremacists and instead told them to "stand by." That's just so... Utterly idiotic and evil to me. He's somehow managed to make me hate him even more which I didn't think was possible. Also, and I don't know if it was just in comparison to Trump's shit show, but I think Biden kicked ass here. Trump's ass specifically but in general he was able to get through all of his points, made his intentions and plans clear and somehow managed to find ways to retort to the complete lunacy coming out of Trump's mouth. I cannot wait to vote his ass out.
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